Sunday, October 30, 2011

Touching Base

Hello dear readers--

I feel I owe you a bit of an explanation and an apology for my long absence.  It seems life, with all its ups and downs, has somewhat got the best of me.  These past three months have been filled with plenty of moments and milestones, both happy and sad.  We watched our baby girl turn one, and I returned to working outside the home (in the harried role of a junior high school teacher, no less!).  I also lost one uncle to cancer, saw another admitted to the hospital, and underwent minor surgery myself.

Of course, in the midst of all these trials, tragedies, and new learning curves, mommy life plods on, as it has a tendency to do.  Bums get diapered, diapers get washed, cooking and cleaning somehow find their place amidst the chaos.  The precious few spare moments I've had to treasure have gone into an immeasurable number of kisses and laughs with our gorgeous baby Aurelia.  She now chatters away at us with some of her first words as she finds her way through this mysterious language that will become her mother tongue.  She not only has learned to walk but has also learned to RUN! and does so at every opportunity.  Cupboards have been fastened shut with safety devices, and stairways have been blocked with gates.  Ours is a happy, lively house.  Our baby girl is our family's treasure, our unified pride & joy, that has brought us together through all the hard times, including the immensely difficult loss of a loved one.

I hope you understand a glimpse of just how and why this blog fell by the wayside for a while.  I do endeavor to be "back" now, interacting with you, sharing helpful tidbits & articles, and networking through all your wonderful questions and business savvy.

I hope these past few months have been kind to you all, and as winter threatens to sneak up on us at any given moment, I wish you plenty of happy, fluffy, snuggly bums in your very near future :)


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