Monday, June 20, 2011

How Disposable Diapers Are Made

For those of you who take an interest in how things are assembled, here is an interesting video from The Discovery Channel about just how disposable diapers are made. Down to an exact science, I can't help but think just how different this diaper-making process is from the handmade cloth diaper making process from all our artful, talented Work At Home Mom friends!


  1. Fabric...really? I think they meant plastic.

  2. its definitely fabric...cotton, to be exact. however the "web" in the core is more like a single layer of guaze, and the fabric added to the "backside" [adheared to the plastic] is more like that fake cobweb stuff at halloween--AFTER you stretch it to look like a cobweb. lol. i remember in grade school we played with the polimer particles from a baby diaper, the teacher cut it open and gave us each a half a teaspoon. he handed them out to us with the EXPRESS warning to NOT inhale the particles. and yet, when was the last time you opened something...ANYTHING...and particles of whatever it was didnt go airborne and get inhaled? [hint: if you smell it, particles are can smell a disposable diaper after unfolding it. and people do that over their children...and then proceed to put it on their child so he/she can walk around, dusting more particles everywhere to be inhaled. :/

    anyway, its interesting to see how its made and i guess i, now, know why disposables cost so much...the companies gotta pay for all those fancy folding machines SOMEHOW!

  3. Look at all those loverly little gelling crystals just pouring out! Theres a reason right there NOT to use disposables - yuck. Love Anonymous (es) comment about paying for their fancy machines : )


  4. It can hold 500 grams of liquid, thats a pound! No wonder some babies in disposables get such awful rashes! (not even getting into the chemical aspect) How long would it take a small baby to pee a pound of urine? What a health hazaard!!! Here's an idea, don't make these things capable of holding that much and then these poor little ones won't be left to sit in their own waste for obscene lengths of time without their parents even knowing they are wet.

  5. I use disposables, and think this video is kind of neat. I like to see how things are made. Personally, I don't like cloth diapers. They're great to use for spit-up rags, but too gross to use as a diaper. I think disposables are more sanitary, and the convenience factor is pretty big! :)

  6. I always wonder how they made them and on such a big scale what they dont show is how much water, pullutants, wood, glue, and oil, and more! goes into making these diapers. Lets see them show you how many trees it took to make all that stuff. where do these crystals come from? yeah not so great now huh? changing a diaper is messy no matter how you slice it but i feel proud to say i use cloth. how often do you boast about what brand of sposie you use?

  7. I can't help but wonder how a disposable diaper is more sanitary than a cloth diaper. A cloth diaper can be washed before being put on a baby. Disposable diapers do not come individually wrapped like band-aids, and I seriously doubt the materials and the factories are... sanitary.
